Saturday, September 7, 2013

Yes Landon Mommy Makes Mistakes Too

As a mom I have to remind myself that I'm not perfect and it's okay to make mistakes. In fact,  here are a few that I've made just this week.

1. After telling my child to be careful with their drink and keep them in the kitchen, I spill my drink all over the living room floor.
2. I want my child to get ready for daycare in a timely manner, but I cannot seem to get them to daycare on time, even if he dressed himself just like I asked.
3. I raise my voice when I know I shouldn't.
4. I tell him I will do this or that "later." Later comes, but "this or that" doesn't.
5. I set a limit on how much TV he can watch, but I'm tired because I stayed up too late watching my favorite show.
6. I realize my son was telling the truth after I disciplined him.

Over the past three years of being a mom, I have had to humble myself many times before my children. At first, I would wallow in my mistakes (which is what Satan wants us to do.) It is difficult to admit to anyone, especially your children, that Mommy makes mistakes too. Thank goodness, I have come to realize that I have a great opportunity to teach my children through my mistakes.   For example: how to admit their mistakes, the importance of asking forgiveness, to do their best to correct it, and try not to repeat it. Although I am not proud of my mistakes, I want my children to realize they are not alone in their struggles to do what is right. Mommy understands what they are going through. I want them to come to me and know that I will always love them.

Just as I love my children when they make mistakes, God loves me as well. He will never leave me, He will always help me, and He will always love me. What a great message to share with my kids using my mistakes.

How will you use your past/future mistakes to teach your kids that you and God love them?

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